13 September 2012
Conference: The Real CCAPM and Strategic Finance
On September 13, 2012, a conference entitled "The Real CCAPM and Strategic Finance" was held at CIRANO. The guest speaker was Charles S. Tapiero, Topfer Distinguished Professor of Financial Engineering and Technology Management, Polytechnic Institute of New York University.
18 June 2012
Conference: Launch of the book Perception des risques au Québec
(Sans texte)
06 June 2012
CIRANO-PRMIA Luncheon: Robert Normand
CIRANO and PRMIA are jointly organizing this series of lunches on developments in Canadian risk management. These lunches give practitioners of the financial institutions the opportunity to present their approaches and developments in the field of risk management.
05 June 2012
Seminar: The Reputation of Your Company: Is your Most Strategic Asset at Risk
Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin and Serban Teodoresco hosted a luncheon presentation at CIRANO on "The Reputation of Your Company: Is your Most Strategic Asset at Risk" on June 5, 2012.