11 December 2023
Montreal Applied Microeconomics Day
The Montreal Applied Microeconomics Day will took place on December, 11 at CIRANO. This inclusive gathering, organized by Fabian Lange, brought together researchers from various academic institutions in Montreal who are passionate about applied economics.  This annual event is all...
08 December 2023
External Activity: GRCH Workshop
The Research Group on Human Capital held its seventh workshop on Friday, December 8, 2023, at the University of Quebec in Montreal. The workshop was organized by Marie Connolly, Full professors at ESG UQAM, researcher and CIRANO Fellow as well as Andrei Munteanu, professor at ESG...
07 December 2023
The future of the sustainable biofood sector and industry 4.0
This round table of passionate experts was organized by the CÉODD Student Committee in collaboration with CIRANO. It was dedicated to exploring the crucial issues of sustainable biofood and potential solutions in the context of industry 4.0. Our eminent panelists highlighted the...
06 December 2023
Conciliating urban development and social diversity in times of housing crisis: what are the solutions ?
In a context of changing lifestyles, climate change and housing crisis, public authorities are getting involved in various projects to adapt the built environment of major cities and increase the housing supply (greening, public transport, new districts among others). While these projects attempt...