The conference Security of care in Quebec: a review of the last 10 years is jointly organized by CIRANO, the network RISQ + H, the Vigilance Group for the safety of care and GP Quebec.
Brief description
CIRANO is an interuniversity research center of liaison and transfer of knowledge on the analysis of organizations. CIRANO provides ultimate access to the best researchers for any busINESSS or organization, whether private or public, seeking innovative ways to improve the efficiency of its operations. CIRANO has over one hundred professors and researchers that are recognized internationally, working in the areas of public policy, risk, finance and economics.
CIRANO’s different lines of research reflect the complementary expertise required as well as the complex nature of problems in our health system, including the sustainability of its financing with the aging population of Quebec.
Brief description
CIRANO’s different lines of research reflect the complementary expertise required as well as the complex nature of problems in our health system, including the sustainability of its financing with the aging population of Quebec.
RISQ+H est un réseau québécois de sensibilisation et de partage d’expériences sur la gestion des risques, la sécurité des patients et la qualité des soins dans les établissements de santé. RISQ+H fédère chercheurs, professionnels de la santé, gestionnaires d’établissements, gestionnaires de risques, gestionnaires de la qualité, représentants des patients, patients.
Le Réseau permet la divulgation des conclusions des recherches consacrées aux méthodes d’analyse de risques et aux outils de gestion des risques. En contrepartie, il se nourrit du retour qui est fait par les professionnels de la santé des résultats liés à la mise en pratique de ces moyens de gestion et d’amélioration de qualité dans différents services hospitaliers. Ce transfert réciproque d’informations et de connaissances se réalise au moyen des divers outils de communication déployés par le Réseau, dont les articles, une revue en ligne et le Forum.
Brief description
Le Réseau permet la divulgation des conclusions des recherches consacrées aux méthodes d’analyse de risques et aux outils de gestion des risques. En contrepartie, il se nourrit du retour qui est fait par les professionnels de la santé des résultats liés à la mise en pratique de ces moyens de gestion et d’amélioration de qualité dans différents services hospitaliers. Ce transfert réciproque d’informations et de connaissances se réalise au moyen des divers outils de communication déployés par le Réseau, dont les articles, une revue en ligne et le Forum.
The Vigilance Group is a committee of experts and citizens that was established to ensure the safety of care in the health system and social services. It was created in September 2001 as the National Group to assist risk management and quality. Its training results from a recommendation of the report Risk management, it is a priority for the network, introduced in spring 2001 by the Ministerial Committee on preventable accidents in the delivery of healthcare. The Vigilance Group consists of experts and concerned engaged citizens in the issue of preventable accidents, the risk management and quality improvement.
Brief description
GP-Quebec is open to all managers of public projects in Quebec. Created from an initiative of the Secretariat of the Treasury Board of Quebec (TBS), University of Quebec at Rimouski (UQAR) and the Project Management Institute (PMI), Chapter Lévis-Quebec and supported by various partners in the Government of Quebec, the Federal Government and health networks, municipalities and education, GP-Quebec aims to develop excellence in public project management. GP-Quebec's mission is to (1) make available to all managers of public projects, the knowledge most relevant and most effective practices to ensure effective management of public projects and (2) develop a network of exchange and sharing to support project managers in public practice.
du colloque
du colloque
The Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) is the largest Quebec Ministry, at least in budgetary terms. Directed by Yves Bolduc, the Liberal government of Jean Charest, the Department is responsible for organizing the whole health system (public and private) and its directions. The network is led by the Minister and the Deputy Minister who manage hospitals, rehabilitation centers, child and youth protection centers as well as clinics, offices and private institutions of Quebec .
Brief description
The Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI) is a nonprofit national advocacy that aims to improve patient safety by facilitating the implementation of innovative ideas and best practices. The purpose of our work is to provide safe healt
Brief description
Accreditation Canada is a non-profit and independent, International Society accredited for Quality in Health Care (ISQua). It provides health care organizations and international an external process review, conducted by peers from the outside to assess and improve services to patients and clients, according to standards of excellence . Through its programs and guidance Accreditation Canada has helped organizations to promote health care quality for over 50 years.
Brief description
Recognized as a national leader in training and research in the field of Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal, a pioneer in engineering education in French America with 125 years of history. It is also one of the largest engineering schools among the 33 schools or faculties across Canada. Polytechnique is affiliated with the University of Montreal.